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Topics include
- Linking climate and energy
- Introduction to Renewable Energy- Why Renewable
- discussion on man’s link with our biome
- Careers and opportunities in Renewable Energy
- Photovoltaics
- PV applications for developing countries
- Other Renewable fields
- Bio-mass
- Wind
- Waste management
- Passive solar
- Concepts in Green buildings
- Energy efficiency
- Barriers to deployment of Renwable energy and the role of youth
- Development of Renewable Energy Task Force
- Interactive and fun approach
- Lots of fun games
- Group discussions
[toggle title=”Where are these seminars conducted ?”] These are seminars are usually conducted in coordination with agencies to spread awareness amongst our future generations. There are no specific location or dates. [/toggle]
[toggle title=”What is the tuition ?”] These workshops are conducted at a very nominal rate since its a non-profit effort from our part. [/toggle]
[toggle title=”How can I arrange for such workshop ?”] Thats easy! just email us at info@sauryaenertech.com or call us at +91 124 4001137 [/toggle]