
Seminar Held in :

[list style=”list3″ color=”blue”]
  • Hyderabad Public School
  • Oakridge International School
  • Aliya Govt. High School
  • Mehboobia girls Govt. High School
  • Delhi Public School, Hyderabad
  • [/list]

    The energy4school seminars were designed to inform and inspire children to alternative way of thinking. Energy efficiency and energy conservation needs to become a way of life for our future generation. As the days of cheap conventional fuel are coming to end, the need of the hour is to understand the holistic picture of our earth. A lot of effort was put so that the children are not just passive watchers of the multimedia presentations but active participants. In order to do so, a lot of interactive sessions were kept. Children were divided into groups and were asked questions. These questions are specifically designed to set each child thinking about his or her own situation. For some questions, each group discussed and then made presentations. For other questions, spontaneous response was invited. At the end of each discussion, a summary of the conclusions was made.

    The multimedia presentations and movies were used to inform and excite children towards latest developments. Career planning, future options, and smart options were also discussed. It was emphasized that it is possible to choose diverse number of careers in the upcoming fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency. In the schools where more than sixty children attended the seminar, at least three Saurya teachers were present to help the children. Quizzes, games and exercises were interspersed between presentation and discussion in order to lighten up the atmosphere while keeping the thought process intact. Change the light Bingo, a Bingo game which has been altered such that energy related questions are asked by friends to each other was a big hit.

    The students were asked to take a pledge to be responsible citizens at the end of the workshop and refreshments were distributed before the departure of the student. Every school gave different grades for workshop and hence the material had to be tailor made.

    The workshop was held for classes from 8th to 10th. It was interesting to note that the younger children were more receptive to our ideas. Audio and video equipment were also critical in holding the attention of the children as the children tire easily.

    Principal Sponsor NEDCAP (Non-conventional Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited)

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