At Hotel Mount View, Chandigarh 3rd December. 9:00 AM to 6:00PM (IST) @ ICORE 2010(3rd day)
Understanding Opportunities in Solar (UOIS-II) is second in the series of workshops and its aim is to educate its participants about basics and advanced concepts of solar and the possible opportunities which are opening up under the current economic scenario.
The participants of the workshop will systematically go through the basics of technology as well as commercial aspect of solar. The course will involve lectures and interactive sessions as well as workbook exercises. The lectures will be given by leading experts from government, industry and academia.
Who should attend?
The workshop is meant for anybody who is interested in understanding and getting involved in field of solar. This includes engineers, technologists and technicians active in the energy sector. It will also be useful for entrepreneurs, businessmen, architects, planners and developers, government, local authority officials & students.
Certification and Accreditation
A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to all participants.
Some of the topics covered [list style=”list3″ color=”blue”]
Basics of solar photovoltaic’s.
Components of PV system , their proper estimation and leading suppliers.
Grid Interactive PV systems.
Government Policies and their significance in the light JNNSM.
Focus in putting up solar farms.
Business of photovoltaics-where is the money?
Please share when next you will be doing.